the beautiful Columbia Valley lies within “The Valley of a Thousand Peaks”
It is home to several diverse communities, including the municipalities District of Invermere, Village of Radium Hot Springs and Village of Canal Flats; the Akisqnuk and Shuswap First Nation communities; and unincorporated communities within the regional district Areas F & G (Spillimacheen, Brisco, Wilmer, Panorama Mountain Village, Fairmont Hot Springs, Windermere and Edgewater).
The natural beauty & resources in the Valley’s landscape are assets that provide for vibrant tourism and natural resources sectors (among many others).
The First Nations People have always been keepers of the Columbia Valley. With the belief that the land responds positively to care and respect, both First Nation Communities have been looking after the Valley.
For more information about the Communities, we encourage you to visit the websites of the First Nation Communities in the Columbia Valley, the Akisqnuk First Nation, and the Shuswap Indian Band.
Bordering the Kootenay National Park, Columbia Valley offers unparalleled mountain scenery at your doorstep, that is virtually accessible to all age groups.
With heritage buildings to explore, view-outside exhibits, and beautiful views of Windermere Lake, the Columbia River, and the Rocky Mountains, the Windermere Valley Museum will allow you to experience the history of the region.
AFter Work GetS A New MeaninG
Fun In The Snow

Skiing & Snowboarding
in the Columbia Valley
Skiing & Crosscountry Skiing Resorts
Winter Season Events
Fun Without The Snow

Trails & WaterWAYS.
Golfing. Biking. Hiking. FLying & Off roading.
ALL Of That in One Place
Trails & Waterways
Par 3 & Executive Golfing
Hiking & Ziplining
Flying & Offroading
CUlinary & CulturAL Retreat