Adventures in Physician recruiting

Submitted by Clara Reinhardt

As some RDEK folks are aware, there is a line on their property tax bill which indicates an amount for Economic Development – a percentage of this amount goes to Physician Recruitment in the Columbia Valley. This is specific to the 2 clinics for Family Doctors as well as our Emergency Department at Invermere Hospital.

Clara and Pete at the Rural Physicians of Canada Rural and Remote Medicine Conference in Niagara Falls

I started my involvement with this team about 4 years ago while still Mayor of Radium Hot Springs. I was honored and pleased to be invited to stay on the team post elected! Dee Conklin (another recovering local government elected person) and myself were assigned a role as liaisons with the Students, Residents, Locums and potential new Doctors. We host them in a variety of ways via Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner around the Valley.

Each of these groups required an opportunity to share their experience, identify gaps in their stays, and to ask questions about the community. We quickly discovered that they all had different perspectives and needs, but had one commonality – it was important to meet with them early in their engagement to ensure that we could assist them with meeting people with similar recreational interests, assist with finding a place to live, and to engage with any partners or family members who came along for the duration. With the variety of biking and hiking groups, golf courses, Panorama, and arts and culture entities we were able to accommodate most. Thanks to everyone who stepped up to host, provide passes and more.

Clara showing off her QR code shirt at the BC Rural Physician’s Conference this fall

Although we have a strong contingent of Physicians here, the goal of this work is to enable them to take breaks knowing there are locums to see their patients! The valley is fortunate to have Physicians at both clinics who see the value of mentoring the next generation and through a partnership with UBC, we have residents coming through the on average every 3 months! They talk to their peers and share their great experience here. Thanks to all who provide support to this initiative.

Many newer folks in our community are well aware that there is a waitlist for a family physician and part of our strategy is to attend Family Physician Conferences as exhibitors at the tradeshows to promote the advantages of working, living and playing here in the Columbia Valley.  The team understands our assets and our needs and have been able to speak to folks specifically who might be interested and be a good fit in our clinics and taking their shifts in Emergency. Interestingly, there are some mature Physicians around the country who would consider taking leave and hiring a locum at home to go somewhere else to locum! We have spoken with students who grew up here who are nearing end of training and are considering coming back. We meet folks who have no idea where we are when they approach and are excited about the possibilities when they leave us!

The Physician Recruiting team consists of a Physician from each clinic, nurses, hospital administrators, clinic administrators, Local Govt rep, Dee and myself and staff from the Columbia Valley Chamber who administer the program. The cost to tax payers is minimal and I would be happy to chat with anyone who would like to learn more.


Dr. Schaffer’s Journey to the columbia valley